Egyptian YouTheatre Classes are held at the new Egyptian Studios - 330 Main St. (basement)
(accessible from same side of street as Egyptian Theatre via breezeway between Swede Alley & Main St.)

At EYT we believe that ensemble theatre is a team sport, requiring consistent attendance and participation. We will begin invoicing parents for repeated late pick-ups and absences, without prior notice and approval. Communication is key! We do retain the right to make exceptions on a case-by-case basis. 

Cancellations & No-Shows

The success of a tuition-free program like ours is dependent on students not just signing up but attending regularly. We strive to serve every child who wants to participate in the performing arts, while maintaining the highest standards of quality instruction. Therefore, some cancellations and no-show situations will include cancellation fees billed to the parent/guardian. Signing up for our tuition-free classes is a commitment to bringing your child on a regular basis and not taking up space that could go to another student.

Once maximum class size is reached, registration will be closed, and a waitlist started. Even with a waitlist, it is difficult to fill empty spots the closer we get to the start date. Cancellations made at certain points, and no-shows following the start of the semester, will be subject to the following fees:

  • Cancellations made 4-7 days prior to class start date will be charged a $50 fee.
  • Cancellations made with less than 72 hours’ notice of class start date will be charged a $100 fee.
  • Cancellations made after class start date and no-shows will be charged a $100 fee.

Fees will be billed in the form of an invoice from the Egyptian Theatre accounts department. Student accounts with unpaid invoices will be placed on camp/class waitlists until payment has been received.

Participation Policies

General Participation Policy

Our Fall & Spring Semesters are ten-week commitments. Due to the popularity of our completely scholarship-based tuition-free program, and in order to keep the program high-quality for all students, all families must strive to have their child(ren) attend as often as possible.  Students who are on rosters but not attending regularly are not getting the biggest benefits of our classes and are taking a spot from another child. Even with long waitlists, once the semester is close to or already in session, it is difficult and time consuming to try to fill late cancellation or no-show spots. For any unplanned conflicts/emergencies that arise, please email/text/call the YouTheatre Administration ASAP. Thank you for helping your child be successful in our scholarship-based program! 


YouTheatre Academy Policy

YTA is a ten-week commitment. Only two absences and/or three tardies will be allowed before a student is put on probation. Student attendance and active participation records will be taken into consideration in the future if/when they audition for YTA again or to be cast in a YouTheatre Production.


Production Policy

The fall Musical Theatre Production Class is a ten-week commitment, and its students are part of one of only four ticketed productions this season. Therefore, they are held to the highest standard of regular attendance and active participation. Being cast in a YouTheatre Production is committing to being an active and enthusiastic participant in something bigger than just one person. The ensemble and teamwork-oriented environment of working towards performance is the magic of theatre in action. Only two absences and three tardies will be allowed before a student is in danger of being recast. Absences will not be approved in the final month of rehearsals or for any tech/dress rehearsals and performances. Student attendance and active participation records will be taken into consideration if/when they audition for YTA or to be cast in a YouTheatre Production in the future.

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities

By registering my child in an Egyptian YouTheatre Class, I acknowledge it is my responsibility to adhere to the following:


I understand that arriving on time for drop-off & pick-up is imperative for the smooth running of classes. I will drop off and pick-up only at the designated area, and within the 10-minute drop-off & pick-up times. I understand YouTheatre staff is not responsible for my child if I drop off earlier than designated drop-off time and that Egyptian YouTheatre may bill me $5/minute for every minute a YT staff member needs to wait with my child to be picked-up past the 10-minute designated pick-up time. New safety protocols mean our entrances will be locked to the public. Latecomers are not permitted to join class without prior notice/approval, and consistent tardiness could result in charges and/or dismissal.


I agree to monitor my child’s health for the days prior to camp start date and each day of classes. I will not drop my child(ren) off to class if they exhibit any of the following symptoms: fever, shortness of breath, diarrhea, muscle aches, nausea, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, vomiting. If my child exhibits these symptoms during the class session, I will pick my child up promptly when contacted by YouTheatre staff.  


I understand that consistent attendance in essential for my child to get the most out of their class experience and I agree to give prior notice for all absences. I understand that if my child(ren) have multiple unexplained absences I will be issued a warning for removal and invoiced $100 on the third class. The next unapproved absence will result in my child(ren) being removed from the class roster.

Student Behavior

The Egyptian YouTheatre runs on a three-strike behavior policy for students. Strike 1 is a verbal warning directly to the student. Strike 2 includes notifying the parent of the situation. Strike 3 will result in dismissal from the program.

Student Engagement

To encourage student participation we are introducing a ticket-based reward system, redeemable at the new YouTheatre Store


Students will earn tickets by arriving to class on time and actively participating in each class. The store will be open during Week 5 (Oct. 7-11) and Week 10 (Nov. 18-22) of this semester


Tickets can roll over from Fall and Spring Semester to Summer for students who want to save up for bigger items! Tickets will reset after Summer in preparation for the new school year.

Summer FAQs

Does my child need to bring a lunch?

Yes! We do not provide lunches and have limited snacks available in case of emergency. Please provide your child with a lunch, snacks, and a refillable water bottle for each day. 

What should my child wear?

Each student will be provided with an Egyptian YouTheatre Summer 2024 camp t-shirt on their first day! Students are required to wear a camp t-shirt, comfortable bottoms, and closed-toed shoes. We will also be providing extra t-shirts from past years to students attending longer camps. 

When are showcases?

Not every camp ends in a showcase or live performance! If your child's camp does end in a showcase, it usually takes place on the last day of camp towards the end of the camp day. Please double check your welcome email for exact details.

How many people can attend a showcase?

This will vary per camp, depending on how many children are performing. Your welcome email will have the exact number of guests allowed per child. We have limited seating in our theatre, so please be mindful and respectful of all the families hoping to attend.

What should my child wear on showcase day?

When in doubt, wear theatre blacks! Some camps will have specific costumes, but a base of theatre blacks is always safe. This means solid black tops, bottoms, and shoes. No designs, additional colors, or logos please.

Can someone clarify the photo release questions I answered during registration?

Of course! We have a wonderful photographer on staff who took all the incredible photos shared on our website. We ask your permission to take photos of your children in two different formats:

  • Permission to use photos for grant-writing and marketing purposes. This includes publicly-shared photos like on our website or social media accounts.
  • Permission to use photos for privately shared albums among families only. These photo albums are sent to families upon the completion of a camp or production and are ONLY sent to the families who participated.

Please reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call/text 435-296-7464 with any other questions!


Thank you for believing in our mission! Please click here for class information.